I recall learning about unusual sky phenomena when I was a child in the 1970s. I would read about them in books from the library at my elementary school and watch programs like In Search Of on television. These unexplained flying objects, or UFOs as they are more often known, interested me. Growing up, I became aware of how many of these tales were either fabrications, could be explained by natural phenomena, or even by top-secret government projects testing out cutting-edge aircraft. Recent reports on UFO encounters by pilots and other verified sources have been made public by the Pentagon. The National Geographic Channel is launching a new series titled UFOs: Investigating the Unknown to help shed light on the topic.
What Is UFO Research: Looking into the Unknown?
In a new documentary series called UFOs: Investigating the Unknown, new information and revelations about a Pentagon UFO program are explored. At the same time, the series weaves in the rich history of UFO cases that have occurred in America and affected our culture, taboos, government officials, and the lives of those directly affected. The five-part documentary makes the most of a wealth of archival data, eyewitness accounts, and riveting expert interviews to investigate mysterious UFO encounters from the 1940s to the present.
There are 5 episodes in the season. On Monday, February 13 at 9 p.m. / 8 p.m. Central, the first two episodes air on the National Geographic Channel. For the next two weeks, new episodes will air on Mondays. On Hulu, all episodes will start to stream the day after they air. Ricki Stern is the director and producer of UFOs: Investigating the Unknown, which is made by Break Thru Films. Additional executive producers include Meghan O'Hara and Lloyd Fales.
Let's examine each episode in turn:
" The Pentagon's "Secret UFO Program "
Investigate the UAP program of the government for a behind-the-scenes look at the The Times story from 2017. This episode explores how recent discoveries contradict what we previously believed to be true about UFOs and goes behind the scenes with accounts from Navy pilots who spotted unexplainable objects behind their fighter jets.
The US government has steadfastly refused to discuss UFOs for more than 50 years. Recently, Navy pilots have reported witnessing strange, hitherto unseen objects follow their fighter jets. Leaked top-secret naval films amaze the world. Vice Media LLC, 2022.
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" A large number of witnesses come forward."
Review the Stephenville, Texas, mass sighting case using fresh interviewees and viewpoints. This episode explores why, despite evidence to the contrary, the once-serious government endeavor turned into a PR campaign to dismiss the phenomenon as nonsense.
A local pilot in Stephenville, Texas, witnesses lights in the sky over his ranch in 2008 that appear to be coming from a large object. He is not the only one who witnessed the craft; hundreds of people did as well. A local reporter has made it her life's job to convey their testimonies. From this famous encounter, we travel back in time several decades to the start of the UFO issue in America and the birth of Project Blue Book, which was established to investigate the nation's expanding UFO problem. Vice Media 2022.
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" Near Misses at Nuclear Bases "
Examine the difficult UFO taboo left behind by the official termination of the U.S. government's UFO program, as well as the years-long mass sighting known as the "Hudson Valley Wave."
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" People Take Charge "
Take a look at the diverse group of citizens who have stepped up to help explain the ongoing UFO sightings, including devoted field investigators, sighting archives, fervent conspiracy theorists, and former government officials who have jeopardized their reputations to advocate for increased government involvement.
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" Government Finally Speaks Out "
Consider whether a new era of openness and research into this enigmatic phenomenon is beginning as you examine the 2015 Navy pilot accounts of unusual encounters and the 2022 Congressional hearing following the most recent events around the historic 2021 intelligence report.
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Why You Should See UFOs: Investigating the Unknown
The five episodes of the series were screened for me. The government's inquiry into UFOs has been brought to light thanks to Leslie Kean, a contributor to the New York Times. She tells her tale and what she has discovered through her investigation. For this series, numerous other journalists, pilots, retired soldiers, and government workers have also been consulted. There are also interviews with politicians, such former Nevada senator Harry Reid. The series is particularly thought-provoking because it examines both the evidence for UFOs and how our government has responded to it.
. In reality, the history of information classification, restriction, and release by the military and government is almost as fascinating as the UFO sightings recorded by Air Force and Navy pilots. Regardless of whether you believe in UFOs or not, UFOs: Investigating the Unknown is a fantastic series that serves to clarify a fascinating but contentious topic.
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